Sports information processing and physiological condition monitoring system based on multimedia computer

  • Xu Xu Department of Physical Education, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China
  • Qian Zhao Department of Basic Engineering, Shijiazhuang Engineering Vocational College, Shijiazhuang 050000, China
  • Tingting Yang P.E. Group, Ministry of Public Education, Baoding Preschool Teachers College, Baoding 072750, China
  • Xiaomei Liu Physical Education Group, Cangzhou No. 11 Middle School, Cangzhou 061000, China
Keywords: multimedia computer; sports information processing and monitoring system; sports information data analysis; physiological status monitoring; biomedical transducer
Article ID: 994


Traditional sports information processing methods often rely on manual observation and recording. This method is not only inefficient, but also susceptible to subjective bias, which affects the accuracy and reliability of the data. In this paper, a sports information processing and physiological condition monitoring system based on multimedia computer is constructed, which deeply integrates multimedia technology, computer technology and biomedical sensing technology. Through the integration of advanced multimedia processors and a variety of biosensors, the system can collect, process and analyze the physiological data and sports trajectory information of athletes in sports events in real time, so as to achieve comprehensive and accurate monitoring of the status of athletes. Using data compression algorithms, each byte can store two bits of data, reducing the space occupied by system operation. In terms of functional implementation, this system not only provides a user management module to ensure the security authentication of user identity, but also is equipped with a sports information data analysis module, which can provide users with scientific training guidance and optimize training plans. Experiments show that the system constructed in this article is functionally tested and all functions meet the design expectations; within 500 m, the packet loss rate of the system is 0; when the number of users reaches 1200, the response time of this system is 3.62 s; under low-intensity exercise and high-intensity exercise, the average accuracy of monitoring and early warning of users in this system is 90.44% and 95.11% respectively. The sports information processing and monitoring system can not only accurately and quickly collect and process various sports information, but also monitor and analyze the physiological data of athletes with high precision.


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How to Cite
Xu, X., Zhao, Q., Yang, T., & Liu, X. (2025). Sports information processing and physiological condition monitoring system based on multimedia computer. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(3), 994.