Construction of intelligent sports service platform and application of physiological index evaluation under VR background

  • Xu Xu Department of Physical Education, Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071000, China
  • Qingbao Wang College of Physical Education, Baicheng Normal University, Baicheng 137000, China
  • Peng Cheng Physical Education Group, First Central School of Baoding High-tech Zone, Baoding 071000, China
  • Ziqiang Huang Physical Education Group, Baoding No. 13 Middle School, Baoding 071000, China
Keywords: sports science; heart rate monitoring; biomechanics; virtual reality; intelligent sports platform
Article ID: 1004


With the continuous progress of VR (Virtual Reality) and biomedical sensing technology, traditional sports platforms have been significantly limited in many aspects. This article combines VR technology and biomedical equipment to innovatively build an intelligent and personalized sports service platform. The platform can use the user’s heart rate variability, body surface electrical muscle map, exercise trajectory, and biomechanical indicators including joint angle and muscle strength to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the effect of sports services. OpenHMD technology is used to create a diverse and highly interactive virtual sports environment for users, while 3ds Max is used to carefully design training models to enhance the immersive experience. Through Kinect and heart rate monitors, we accurately collect users’ movements and biophysiological data, and use advanced algorithms for motion recognition. The data analysis module can dig deep into the user’s exercise characteristics and provide personalized exercise recommendations and physical fitness assessments. The results showed that the user’s heart rate fluctuated greatly in the early stages of training, but gradually stabilized, from 128 bpm in the first cycle to 120 bpm in the third cycle, indicating improved physical fitness and increased endurance. At the same time, the range of heart rate fluctuations gradually shrank, showing that the user’s adaptability improved. The comparison of the histogram shows that the cardiovascular burden is reduced and the physical fitness is significantly improved. The long-term trend chart shows that as training progresses, physical fitness gradually improves. Experiments have proved that the platform still performs well under high loads, and the analysis of biomechanical indicators verifies its rationality and practicality.


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How to Cite
Xu, X., Wang, Q., Cheng, P., & Huang, Z. (2025). Construction of intelligent sports service platform and application of physiological index evaluation under VR background. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(3), 1004.