Long-term dance training alters the likelihood of slips and trips
Prior studies have suggested that dance may mitigate fall risks by enhancing muscular strength; despite its apparent safety, compelling evidence substantiating its efficacy in fall prevention remains scarce. The objective of this study was to examine whether individuals with prolonged dance training demonstrate distinct biomechanical responses to fall risk in contrast to those without dance experience. Methods: Thirty-two participants were recruited internally from a university setting (comprising 8 non-dancers, 8 ballet dancers, 8 korean dancers, and 8 modern dancers) for this investigation. Kinematic and kinetic data were scrutinized using Visual-3D software, and subsequent analyses involved data normalization, with One-way ANOVA conducted using SPSS 23.0 software. Results: Ballet dancers and modern dancers displayed longer stride lengths, narrower step widths, and quicker walking speeds compared to non-dancers; Korean dancers exhibited shorter stride lengths, narrower step widths, slower walking speeds, and higher gait symmetry. Modern dancers demonstrated the highest MTC during swing phase, while korean dancers showed the smallest HCV, thus yielding the lowest RCOF. Conclusion: Korean dancers demonstrated the lower risks of falls and trips; rigorous professional training in dancers fosters distinctive, stable gaits, superior joint control, and robust body balance, all contributing to a decrease of the likelihood of risks of falls and trips. Conversely, while modern dancers similarly showed the reduced risks, the varied styles in modern dance may be introducing some uncertainty in mitigating risks of falls and trips.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Qingling Qu, Xuan Tang, Xuan Qiu, Youngsuk Kim, Jinqian Zhang, Sukwon Kim

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