Biomechanical characteristics of lower limbs in Tai Chi Novices with different squatting depths: A pilot study
This study aimed to analyze the biomechanical characteristics of the lower limbs in Tai Chi novices performing the Part the Wild Horse’s Mane (PWHM) movement at varying squatting depths to identify potential risk factors for joint pain and injuries. Eight Tai Chi novices, with an average age of 20.75 years participated in this study. Joint angles, joint moments, ground reaction forces (GRF), center of gravity (COG), and muscle force were measured during PWHM at various squat depths. Data were analyzed using the one-way ANOVA in Open-Source Statistical Parameter Mapping in MATLAB, with corrected post-hoc tests using the Bonferroni correction. Different squat depths resulted in differences in joint angles, joint moments, joint range of motion (ROM), COG, and muscle force (p < 0.05); however, no difference was observed in the joint stiffness or GRF. In comparison with a high squat depth, both low and medium squat depths exhibited greater peak knee and hip flexion angles, while the low squat depth also demonstrated a larger ROM in ankle inversion–extension, knee flexion-extension, hip flexion-extension, and hip adduction-abduction (p < 0.05). Compared with a low squat depth, a high squat depth resulted in smaller peak ankle inversion, ankle internal rotation, knee external rotation, hip extension, hip adduction moment, and smaller muscle force in the semitendinosus, rectus femoris, rectus femoris, medial gastrocnemius, and tibialis anterior muscles (p < 0.05). Different squat depths led to differences in lower limb biomechanics among Tai Chi novices. A low squat depth can bring more health benefits to Tai Chi novices; however, the higher demand for muscle strength may increase the load on the joints, causing joint pain or even injury.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Wenlong Li, Zhifeng Zhou, Mengchen Ji, Wenjing Quan, Minjun Liang, Julien S. Baker, Yuwei Liu

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