Research on the integration of biomechanical expression of microscopic biological forms and modern painting techniques

  • Fengmin Wang Normal College, Xinxiang Vocational and Technical College, Xinxiang 453006, China
Keywords: microbial forms; biomechanical expression; modern painting techniques; digital art tools; structural integrity; motility
Article ID: 963


This study explores the integration of artistic expression of microbial forms with modern painting techniques, focusing on the application of digital art tools in the reproduction of microscopic structures. Through the use of computer-aided design, 3D modeling, and virtual reality technology, we accurately present the details, dynamics, and textures of microscopic organisms. Incorporating insights from biomechanics, the study explores how the physical characteristics and movement patterns of microorganisms can inform and enhance artistic representation. Biomechanics, the study of the mechanical aspects of living organisms, provides a unique lens through which artists can understand the fluidity and complexity of microbial life. By observing the locomotion and interaction of these organisms within their environments, artists can create more dynamic and realistic portrayals that capture the essence of microbial behavior. Drawing on knowledge of how microbes move, interact, and adapt in their minuscule habitats, as gleaned from biomechanics, we are able to animate our digital models in a more biologically plausible manner. For example, mimicking the undulating motion of cilia or the elastic deformation of cell membranes under stress imparts a new level of authenticity to our artistic reconstructions. Experimental results show that an increase in drawing resolution significantly enhances the fidelity of details and artistic effects. When texture details reach 100 ppi, the artwork’s expressiveness scores 9 points. Additionally, as the style fusion coefficient increases to 0.7, both the accuracy of the artistic style and the visual impact are notably improved. These findings suggest that the application of digital tools not only provides innovative expressive possibilities for the artistic creation of microbial forms but also allows for the exploration of their biomechanical characteristics, such as elasticity, motility, and response to external forces. By incorporating biomechanical principles into the artistic representation of microorganisms, this research opens new avenues for understanding how these organisms function and interact within their ecosystems. The fusion of art and biomechanics can lead to a deeper appreciation of the complexity of life at the microscopic level and inspire future studies in both scientific and artistic domains.


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How to Cite
Wang, F. (2025). Research on the integration of biomechanical expression of microscopic biological forms and modern painting techniques. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(3), 963.