Application of core strength training based on learning control robot technology in Badminton

  • Li Wu Sports Academy, Xinyang Agriculture and Forestry University, Xinyang 464000, Henan, China
  • Xin Feng Humanities Institute, Zhaoqing Medical College, Zhaoqing 526070, Guangdong, China
Keywords: core strength training; learning controlled robotics; Badminton training; special sports qualities
Article ID: 88


The implementation of core strength training in badminton has received increasing attention as the game and training theories have matured. A single typical strength training session is not the same as core strength training. Strengthening the trunk’s core muscles can help athletes become more adaptable and physically strong, which will have a significant influence on badminton’s future growth. At present, core strength training has been tried to be applied to the routine training of athletes. However, its application has not been scientifically guided and its role cannot be fully exerted, which has adversely affected the improvement of athletes’ skill levels. Consequently, a thorough analysis of badminton’s features was done in this research. The use of core strength training in badminton was thoroughly investigated based on an exploration of the application value of this technique in conjunction with learning and control robot technology. This article examined three levels of special abilities, physical fitness and balancing ability, and compared it with the standard core strength training technology to demonstrate the application impact of the learning control robot’s core strength training in badminton. According to the experimental findings, learning control robot technology may be achieved through core strength training, the average scores of students’ badminton speed quality and strength quality were about 8.10 and 8.45. There was a clear difference between the scores of 6.69 and 7.54 of the traditional training methods, which proved its feasibility.


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How to Cite
Wu, L., & Feng, X. (2024). Application of core strength training based on learning control robot technology in Badminton. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 21, 88.