Molecular biology-inspired teaching mode for interdisciplinary applied art talent cultivation in the digital age

  • Jing Wen Fine Arts and Film College, Taiyuan Normal University, Jinzhong 030619, China
Keywords: molecular biomechanics; mechanobiology; biomedical visualization; art education; interdisciplinary talent; dynamic clustering
Article ID: 860


In the era of molecular biology, the integration of life sciences and art design has raised new educational demands. This research introduces a teaching model for applied art talents inspired by biology, using analogies of macromolecular self-assembly dynamics and cell mechanotransduction pathways to reconstruct the interactive relationship between teaching subjects. By modeling the “fresh stress environment” as a dynamic molecular network (protein-protein interaction network), a fuzzy c-means clustering method combined with mechanobiological feature analysis was proposed to identify students’ interdisciplinary ability clusters. And a collaborative filtering recommendation system inspired by cell signal transduction cascades was designed to dynamically match students with personalized learning modules (molecular dynamics simulation of artistic modeling, spatial design inspired by mechanobiology). Simulation tests validated by a protein structure prediction dataset show that the model enhances students’ ability to translate abstract biological principles into visual/artistic expressions. Compared with traditional art education, it cultivates talents proficient in biomedical visualization, bio-inspired design, and molecular-scale aesthetic literacy—key capabilities that connect life sciences and creative industries.


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How to Cite
Wen, J. (2025). Molecular biology-inspired teaching mode for interdisciplinary applied art talent cultivation in the digital age. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(5), 860.