The influencing factors of consumer purchase intention in e-commerce live marketing under the background of green consumption view: A biomechanics-inspired analysis

  • Xudong Hu International Business School, Lanzhou Petrochemical University of Vocational Technology, Lanzhou 730060, China
Keywords: e-commerce live streaming marketing; consumer purchasing intention; consumer’s internal state; grounded theory; mediating effect; biomechanics
Article ID: 850


The live-streaming e-commerce industry has thrived with the progress of mobile Internet, becoming an integral part of consumers’ daily lives. Driven by the green consumption and low-carbon living concepts, online consumption has gained popularity, making e-commerce live marketing a significant platform for consumer spending. Resolving how to heighten consumers’ purchase intention and augment sales is a pressing concern for e-commerce live marketing teams and platforms. This research, grounded in grounded theory, dissects the determinants of consumers’ purchase intention in e-commerce live streaming. Four main aspects are identified: people, cargo, market, and consumers’ internal state. Human aspects encompass personal charm and professionalism; cargo elements comprise product features, price incentives, and transaction volume; venue-related factors involve live streaming interaction and comprehensive service; and consumers’ internal state involves a sense of value and trust. Drawing an analogy from biomechanics, the interactions among these factors can be likened to mechanical forces. The influences of people, cargo, and market on consumers’ internal state are analogous to external forces exerted on a biological structure, which then triggers a response in the form of consumers’ internal state change. This internal state, in turn, acts as a driving force for purchase intention, similar to how a biological entity responds and adapts. The mediating role of value and trust is also vital. The findings of this study furnish a solid foundation for enhancing the sophistication and quality of e-commerce live streaming marketing, strengthening consumers’ purchase intention, enriching their purchasing experience, and facilitating the stable and sustainable growth of the e-commerce live streaming sector.


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How to Cite
Hu, X. (2025). The influencing factors of consumer purchase intention in e-commerce live marketing under the background of green consumption view: A biomechanics-inspired analysis. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(3), 850.