Research on postpartum women’s health management service design from the perspective of caring ethics

  • Min Han School of Industrial Design, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China
  • Ying Xiong School of Industrial Design, Hubei University of Technology, Wuhan 430068, China
Keywords: postpartum rehabilitation; health management; ethics of care; double diamond model; service design; biomechanics
Article ID: 837


In order to change the current situation of discontinuous services, fragmented resources, and non-sharing of information in the postpartum market, the related maternity and health services are integrated and developed to form a diversified and integrated postpartum health management service centered on postpartum women. From the perspective of caring ethics, this paper analyzes the logical correlation between the caring practice process and the double-diamond model, innovates the double-diamond model, builds the double-diamond model-EC double-diamond model from the perspective of caring ethics, and guides the output and practice of postpartum women’s health management service design strategy by insight into the four stages of caring, undertaking care, enhancing care and responding care. Notably, we incorporate biomechanical principles into this framework. By assessing postpartum women's physical conditions through biomechanical methods, such as measuring muscle strength, joint flexibility, and postural alignment, we can provide more targeted and effective recovery plans. For example, based on biomechanical data, we can design customized exercise programs for muscle rehabilitation and posture correction. Finally, under the guidance of service design thinking, with the help of “Internet +” technology integration to build postpartum health management service system. Driven by the wave of Innovation 2.0 (Internet +), we use the advantages of Internet information technology to integrate and optimize postpartum service resources, build a postpartum health management service platform, provide personalized postpartum health management solutions for postpartum women, and finally produce the “MAMALAND” app. Multiple service scenarios are connected to form a combination of online and offline services for postpartum health management services, giving postpartum women a full range of care. This paper, from the dual perspectives of caring ethics and biomechanics, explores postpartum women’s health management service design and provides continuous, scientific and personalized services for postpartum women by integrating postpartum market service resources and innovating postpartum women’s health management service model.


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How to Cite
Han, M., & Xiong, Y. (2025). Research on postpartum women’s health management service design from the perspective of caring ethics. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(3), 837.