Biomechanical insights into goalkeeper preparatory movements during defensive dives for football shots
The kinetic demands of a football goalkeeper (GK) involve preventing opposing shots from entering the goal, which requires rapid and well-coordinated defensive actions. However, the biomechanics of these preparatory movements, particularly in response to diverse shot scenarios, remain insufficiently understood. Herein, the biomechanical characteristics intrinsic to the preparatory movements executed by GKs during defensive diving are elucidated. Three-dimensional coordinate data of the 10 GKs and 5 strikers were captured using two synchronized motion capture systems comprising cameras with an analog synchronization signal. A total of 172 trials were analyzed, during which GKs dived toward shots. GKs leaned forward, flexed their lower limbs, externally rotated and abducted the hips, and positioned their feet at 70–75% of leg length to respond quickly to shots. Preparatory takeoff occurred concurrently with the striker support leg contact, and GKs adjusted their movements after the striker-ground contact. These findings underscore the importance of effective preparatory movements for enhancing shot-stopping abilities, while also providing insights for optimizing training protocols to improve GKs adaptability and precision during matches.
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