Practical application research of biomechanical theory in physical education training and teaching

  • Xiuyun Wu Department of Physical Education, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, China
  • Shulin Zhang Department of Physical Education, Tiangong University, Tianjin 300387, China
Keywords: physical education; plyometric training (PMT); biomechanical; sports; force plates; motion capture technology
Article ID: 792


Biomechanics is referred to as the study of mechanical aspects of living organisms and plays a significant role in human movement analysis. In sports training and physical education (PE), biomechanical principles help to improve techniques, and performance, and prevent injury risks. Conventional PE programs often lack a scientific approach to movement analysis, leading to inefficient training strategies and an increased risk of injury. This research investigates the application of biomechanical theory in PE training, to improve skill acquisition, and athletic performance, reduce injury risk, and create personalized training programs. The data were collected based on motion analysis, performance metrics, and surveys on training methods, physiological assessments, and participant feedback during PE training sessions and classes. The collected data was split into two different categories an experimental group (EG) trained using plyometric training (PMT) and a control group (CG) who participated in standard PE activities. Biomechanical assessments were conducted on both groups using motion capture technology (MoCap) and force plates (FP) to analyze joint angles, movement patterns, and force generation. The training interventions based on biomechanical principles were implemented over 12 weeks. Statistical analysis was performed to evaluate the significance of pre- and post-intervention performance metrics. The findings demonstrated significant improvements in movement efficiency, technique precision, and performance outcomes among participants in the EG receiving PMT compared to the CG. The study highlights the importance of combining biomechanical theory into PE and sports training. It helps in enhancing athletic performance, prevents injuries, and creates personalized training strategies.


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How to Cite
Wu, X., & Zhang, S. (2025). Practical application research of biomechanical theory in physical education training and teaching. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(5), 792.