The impact of variable speed running on the biomechanics and tactical awareness of college badminton athletes
Badminton is a high-intensity sport that requires athletes to execute rapid, multi-directional movements while making split-second tactical decisions. The biomechanical efficiency of movements, combined with cognitive abilities such as tactical awareness and decision-making speed, plays a critical role in an athlete’s success on the court. Variable Speed Training (VST) is an emerging methodology designed to enhance physical performance and cognitive sharpness by incorporating fluctuating speeds into exercise routines. However, limited research has explored the specific impact of VST on both the biomechanics and tactical awareness of badminton players. This study investigates the effects of a six-week VST program on college-level badminton athletes’ biomechanics and tactical awareness. The primary focus is assessing improvements in joint angles, stride length, Ground Reaction Forces (GRF), footwork efficiency, decision-making speed, reaction time, and cardiovascular endurance. Twenty-seven college-level badminton athletes participated in a six-week VST intervention, with three 60 min sessions per week. The athletes underwent pre-and post-training assessments, including 3D motion capture analysis for biomechanical variables (joint angles, stride length, GRF) and Dartfish Tactical Analysis Software for cognitive metrics (decision-making speed, spatial awareness, and shot accuracy). Heart rate monitors and GPS trackers assess cardiovascular performance and movement patterns. Paired t-tests and effect size calculations (Cohen’s d) were used to determine the statistical significance and magnitude of the improvements. Significant improvements were observed across all key metrics following the VST intervention. Biomechanical analysis revealed increases in joint range of motion (hip, knee, ankle) during key badminton movements, with the most notable improvement in the hip joint angle during lunges (+7.7°, p < 0.001). Stride length increased by an average of 0.12 m across movements, while GRF decreased by an average of 105 N, indicating enhanced stability and reduced impact forces. Tactical awareness improved significantly, with faster decision-making speeds (+0.16 s) and better spatial awareness (+9.5% in positioning accuracy). Athletes also demonstrated improved heart rate recovery (+14 bpm) and enhanced fatigue resistance (+7 shots in extended rallies). The findings indicate that VST improves badminton athletes’ biomechanical efficiency and tactical awareness. The significant gains in joint range of motion, stride length, and stability suggest that VST enhances movement control and reduces injury risk. Similarly, improvements in decision-making speed, shot accuracy, and spatial awareness highlight the cognitive benefits of VST under high-pressure conditions. This study underscores the importance of integrating variable-intensity training into badminton regimens to optimize physical and cognitive performance.
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