Analysis of artificial intelligence medical treatment for closed muscle skin nerve injury caused by aerobics training
In aerobics training, closed myocutaneous nerve damage needs to be paid attention to, especially high-intensity training may cause minor damage to muscles and nerves. With the help of AI medical technology and the understanding of molecular and cellular biomechanics, we can more accurately explore the mechanism of injury, such as the effects of nerve tensile stress and microenvironment changes on nerve regeneration. This helps to develop scientific rehabilitation methods, such as AI-assisted personalized training, neural regeneration technology, and real-time monitoring of training intensity to speed up athletes’ rehabilitation and reduce the risk of future injuries. Purpose: Aerobics training is very strict and requires high physical fitness of dancers. During long-term training, dancers can easily cause closed musculocutaneous nerve injury. Traditional medicine is difficult to guarantee the treatment effect of patients with musculocutaneous nerve injury. The use of artificial intelligence medicine for closed musculocutaneous nerve injury treatment can improve the treatment effect of aerobics training induced closed musculocutaneous nerve injury. Method: This article utilized artificial intelligence medicine for the treatment of musculocutaneous nerve injury, and used artificial intelligence technology to analyze patient imaging and other data to assist doctors in accurate diagnosis. Utilize intelligent algorithms to predict medication plans, reduce medication errors, and intelligently adjust the course of treatment based on the patient’s condition. In artificial intelligence healthcare, high-quality online medical services can be created through intelligent technology, providing convenient medical consultation for patients. Result: This article selected 200 patients with musculocutaneous nerve injury caused by aerobics training for grouping experiments. The average diagnostic accuracy of traditional medicine and artificial intelligence medicine were 84.2% and 95.6%, respectively. Conclusion: Artificial intelligence medicine can achieve medical informatization and intelligently analyze patients’ medical information, which helps to improve the accuracy of medical diagnosis for aerobics training injuries.
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