Principles of biomolecular migration and diffusion in education and teaching reform: Exploration and practice of interdisciplinary research

  • Zhaohua Wang Shanghai Sipo Polytechnic, Shanghai 201300, China
Keywords: educational and teaching reform; interdisciplinary research; molecular biology; migration and diffusion; innovative thinking; comprehensive quality
Article ID: 1647


With the rapid development of science and technology and the continuous progress of society, the traditional educational and teaching model of single subjects can hardly meet the needs of future talent cultivation. As an emerging research paradigm that breaks disciplinary barriers, integrates multidisciplinary knowledge, and solves complex problems, interdisciplinary research is gradually becoming an important direction of educational and teaching reform. This research integrates the biomolecular migration and diffusion principles into interdisciplinary education reform. By setting up an experimental group and a control group of students, a series of teaching activities were carried out. Finally, the teaching effectiveness was evaluated through statistical analysis of students’ test scores and other relevant data. The results show that under the interdisciplinary teaching model combined with biomolecular migration and diffusion principles, students’ innovative thinking, problem-solving abilities, and comprehensive qualities have all been improved. This study provides references for educational and teaching reform.


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How to Cite
Wang, Z. (2025). Principles of biomolecular migration and diffusion in education and teaching reform: Exploration and practice of interdisciplinary research. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(4), 1647.