Influence of SSM-based skiing biomechanical analysis on tourist travel experience

  • Nian Liu Department of Convergence Management, Corporate Management Major, Woosong University, Daejeon 34606, South Korea
  • Runchu Fu Woosong University, Daejeon 34606, South Korea
  • Tianchi Fu Woosong University, Daejeon 34606, South Korea
Keywords: statistical shape model; skiing; biomechanical analysis; tourism experience; ankle joint
Article ID: 1586


Skiing, as a popular winter sport, attracts a large number of tourists to ski resorts for an immersive experience. To improve tourists’ travel experience and ensure their safety, this study proposes a skiing biomechanical analysis method based on the Statistical Shape Model. The study conducts 3D reverse modeling of tourists’ ankle joints and constructs mechanical models for the talus and calcaneus. Finally, the model is used to analyze the impact of ankle joint morphology on the axis of rotation. Experimental results show that among the three indicators in the evaluation of the Statistical Shape Model, the compactness of the talus increases from 29,800 to 41,500, and the calcaneus increases from 39,800 to 64,700. The generalization value of the talus decreases from 97,800 to 93,400, and the calcaneus decreases from 116,900 to 111,500. After the statistical shape model of the improved skiing equipment, the tourist experience satisfaction is more than 85%. The results indicate that the morphology of the talus and calcaneus significantly affects the axis of rotation. By analyzing the biomechanics of tourists’ ankle joints during skiing, a deeper understanding of the mechanical characteristics in skiing is obtained, providing a theoretical basis for optimizing tourists’ travel experience. The morphological features of the ankle joint directly impact tourists’ balance and stability during skiing, thereby influencing both the safety and enjoyment of the sport.


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How to Cite
Liu, N., Fu, R., & Fu, T. (2025). Influence of SSM-based skiing biomechanical analysis on tourist travel experience. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(4), 1586.