The modulating effect of exercise on neurobiological mechanisms and its application in mental health: A systematic review

  • Songhu Kong Department of Basic Subjects Teaching, Xinjiang University of Political Science and Law, Tumshuk 843900, China
  • Lingling Qiu Department of Basic Subjects Teaching, Tumushuke Vocational and Techinical College, Tumshuk 843900, China
  • Xiaoge Ma Department of Basic Subjects Teaching, Xinjiang University of Political Science and Law, Tumshuk 843900, China
  • Yangyang Su Department of Basic Subjects Teaching, Xinjiang University of Political Science and Law, Tumshuk 843900, China
  • Kaiye Sun Department of Basic Subjects Teaching, Xinjiang University of Political Science and Law, Tumshuk 843900, China
Keywords: exercise; neurobiological mechanisms; mental health; neuroplasticity; neurotransmitters; systematic review
Article ID: 1406


This systematic review explores that exercise can increase the levels of neurobiological factors such as BDNF and dopamine, thereby improving mental health such as depression and anxiety, and enhancing the effect of information communication. Utilizing data from PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and PsycINFO, the study encompasses research published in English between 2000 and 2022. Inclusion criteria necessitated empirical studies focusing on the impact of exercise on neurobiological mechanisms and mental health outcomes, published in peer-reviewed journals. Two independent reviewers extracted data on study design, sample size, participant characteristics, exercise intervention specifics, neurobiological mechanisms, and mental health outcomes. Both qualitative thematic synthesis and quantitative meta-analysis were employed for data analysis. Mathematical formulas, including effect size calculations, odds ratios, and confidence intervals, quantified the results. The review identified 45 studies, consistently demonstrating positive effects of exercise on neurobiological factors such as BDNF, dopamine, GABA, serotonin, and norepinephrine levels, which are correlated with improvements in mental health conditions like depression, anxiety, and stress. Despite some heterogeneity, these findings highlight the potential of exercise as an effective intervention for enhancing mental health through neurobiological modulation.


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How to Cite
Kong, S., Qiu, L., Ma, X., Su, Y., & Sun, K. (2025). The modulating effect of exercise on neurobiological mechanisms and its application in mental health: A systematic review. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(3), 1406.