Application of biomechanics in construction engineering management: Exploration of improving economic efficiency and sustainability

  • Chaojian Wang Chongqing College of Humanities, Science & Technology, Chongqing 401524, China
  • Die Liu Chongqing College of Humanities, Science & Technology, Chongqing 401524, China
Keywords: biomechanics; construction engineering management; optimization algorithms; finite element analysis; building material suitability; energy efficiency; structural stability; material conservation
Article ID: 1328


This article explores the use of biomechanical principles in construction project management to enhance building sustainability and economic benefits. By incorporating biomechanical adaptability and real-time scheduling, architectural design and operation are optimized. The framework uses dynamic simulations and optimization algorithms to improve performance across building stages, maximizing resource conservation and economic gains. The algorithm optimizes building structure performance under external loads like wind, earthquakes, and temperature changes. Experimental results show significant energy efficiency improvements (e.g., 11.54% for temperature changes) and material savings (up to 10% for public buildings). This study offers an intelligent optimization solution, advancing the construction industry towards sustainability through biomechanical models and optimization algorithms.


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How to Cite
Wang, C., & Liu, D. (2025). Application of biomechanics in construction engineering management: Exploration of improving economic efficiency and sustainability. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(3), 1328.