Application of deep reinforcement learning under biomechanical load optimization in warehouse site selection and material transportation path

  • Xiaoming Zhang School of Policing Equipment Technology, China People’s Police University, Langfang 065000, China
Keywords: deep reinforcement learning; biomechanical load; path optimization; fatigue index; logistics and transportation efficiency
Article ID: 1325


Path optimization of logistics and transportation systems has traditionally focused on the balance between efficiency and cost, but there is a lack of systematic research on the biomechanical load of transport personnel, which leads to fatigue accumulation and increased safety hazards. To fill this gap, this paper proposes a path optimization method based on deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based on biomechanical theory, aiming to combine biomechanical load management of transport personnel with logistics efficiency improvement. Firstly, a biomechanical load assessment system for transport personnel during long-distance driving is established using human kinematics and dynamics models, with quantitative indicators including muscle fatigue index, joint load and driving posture stability. Secondly, a national logistics transportation network is constructed based on a graph theory model, with transportation distance, time and biomechanical load as constraints for multi-objective optimization, and a Deep Q Network (DQN) is designed for path planning optimization. The calculation of fatigue index is combined with driving time, road section characteristics and individual biomechanical characteristics, and verified by biomechanical simulation tools. In order to improve the optimization efficiency, the simulated annealing algorithm is used to preliminarily screen the paths, and the DRL model is combined to achieve dynamic adjustment. The experimental results show that this method significantly reduces the biomechanical load of transport personnel in nationwide logistics scheduling (the fatigue index is controlled below 0.12), and at the same time reduces the accident rate caused by fatigue (reduced by 40%), and the transportation efficiency is superior to traditional research. The research results not only deepen the application of biomechanical theory in the field of long-distance transportation, but also provide theoretical support and technical reference for building a safe, efficient and intelligent logistics and transportation system, and promote the integrated development of biomechanics and artificial intelligence in complex engineering problems.


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How to Cite
Zhang, X. (2025). Application of deep reinforcement learning under biomechanical load optimization in warehouse site selection and material transportation path. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(3), 1325.