The motivation of ideological and political education in the inheritance of sports spirit: Inspiration from the study of sports adaptability at cellular and molecular levels

  • Huiyang Guo Marxist College, Yunnan Vocational College of Sports, Kunming 650000, China
  • Xiaoyan Long Yunnan Vocational College of Sports, Kunming 650000, China
  • Lu Ma College of Physical Education, Yunnan Vocational College of Sports, Kunming 650000, China
Keywords: sports adaptability; cellular adaptability; ideological education; motivation; interdisciplinary learning; resilience; collaboration
Article ID: 1294


Background: This approach to improving mental health, resilience, and development of the character of learners integrates the spirit of sports into ideological and political education. Physical activity induces cellular and molecular adaptations including muscle tissue remodeling, neurotransmitter modulation, and anti-inflammatory processes, and this basis underlies the potential of sports principles to stimulate motivation and ethical development in educational settings. Objective: Based on this, this study seeks to fill gaps in current research by exploring the interplay between sports adaptability, cellular response, and the motivational dynamics in the context of ideological and political education frames, and to propose actionable insights for interdisciplinary applications. Methods: Quantitative data was collected from 69 participants using structured questionnaires, using a mixed methods approach. Demographic variables, sports adaptability, training intensity, and motivational outcomes were examined in the survey. Descriptive statistics were used to determine trends and relationships, and factor analysis was used to identify key contributors to sports-induced motivation. Results: The study shows that participation in sports improves physical resilience, psychological stability, and teamwork through cellular-level adaptation such as mitochondrial biogenesis, neurotransmitter optimization, and inflammation reduction. Using factor analysis, three dimensions of sports spirit structural engagement, adaptive dynamics, and intrinsic motivation were found, which each had a significant impact on educational engagement and motivation. Conclusions: The potential to integrate sports principles into education to enhance the development of resilience, teamwork, and ethics is this research’s message. Although it still has limitations with small sample size and generalizability, the study still acknowledges a contribution that future research with larger, more diverse cohorts with more advanced methodologies is requested. This work ultimately redefines sports as a multi-dimensional tool of human and social transformation, as it brings physical, cognitive, and ethical development together.


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How to Cite
Guo, H., Long, X., & Ma, L. (2025). The motivation of ideological and political education in the inheritance of sports spirit: Inspiration from the study of sports adaptability at cellular and molecular levels. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(3), 1294.