Integration of virtual reality technology in physical education: A biomechanical approach to enhancing skill mastery and student experience

  • Bei Ye School of Data Science and Computer Science, Guangdong Peizheng College, Guangzhou 510830, China; Centre for Instructional Technology and Multimedia, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang 11700, Malaysia
  • Fan Ouyang College of Art and Design, Guangdong Industry Polytechnic University, Guangzhou 510300, China
Keywords: virtual reality; physical education; skill mastery; student engagement; educational innovation
Article ID: 1068


This study explores the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) technology within physical education at higher education institutions, with a focus on its biomechanical implications. VR not only addresses issues like outdated content and monotonous teaching methods but also provides an immersive environment for students to understand the principles of biomechanics through interactive simulations. By improving the understanding of movement patterns and physical interactions at the molecular and cellular levels, VR significantly enhances students’ skill mastery and physical fitness. Challenges such as high equipment costs and technical maintenance remain pertinent. Future research should aim to optimize VR content from a biomechanical perspective and integrate it with traditional teaching methods to further advance the field.


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How to Cite
Ye, B., & Ouyang, F. (2025). Integration of virtual reality technology in physical education: A biomechanical approach to enhancing skill mastery and student experience. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(3), 1068.