Biosensing measurement and psychological mechanism exploration of emotional responses in English learners

  • Caiping Li School of Foreign Languages, Zhengzhou University of Technology, Zhengzhou 450044, China
Keywords: English language learners (ELL); emotional; learning efficacy; psychological mechanisms; biosensing
Article ID: 1057


Emotions have an important role in English language learners (ELL), impacting motivation, engagement, and performance. Understanding how emotions influence ELL performance is critical for creating effective instructional programs. Previous research has explored emotional reactions utilizing self-reports or behavioral observations, but only a small amount of research has used biosensing technology to offer objective, real-time data on emotional states. The purpose of this research is to examine English learners’ emotional responses using biosensing measurements to investigate the psychological mechanisms supporting these responses and offer knowledge about how emotions influence language learning. The investigation involved 150 English language learners. Biosensing devices were used to evaluate physiological indicators such as heart rate variability, skin conductivity, and facial expressions while students completed English language tasks. Furthermore, psychological mechanisms were investigated using questionnaires and interviews, yielding qualitative insights into how learners experience and handle their emotions during the learning process. Statistical analysis, such as regression, descriptive, correlation analysis, ANOVA, and chi-square statistics, was used to investigate the association between emotional responses and language learning efficacy. The findings show a strong association between good emotional reactions and better language learning outcomes, whereas negative emotions, such as anxiety, are associated with lower engagement and performance. Finally, this approach emphasizes the relevance of understanding emotional dynamics in language learning and the necessity of developing methods to enhance positive emotional involvement.


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How to Cite
Li, C. (2025). Biosensing measurement and psychological mechanism exploration of emotional responses in English learners. Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics, 22(3), 1057.