Multivariate emotional AI model for enhancing students’ ideological education and mental health via brain-computer interfaces and biomechanics
This paper investigates attention fatigue detection and multi-grain emotional AI classification for student mental health through an educational brain-computer interface (BCI), with a focus on integrating biomechanical principles to enhance understanding and application. Recognizing the growing importance of students’ mental health and well-being, this study introduces a domain generalization approach in transfer learning to improve cross-subject BCI model accuracy, addressing the challenges of individual variability. The proposed model utilizes only seven electrodes and achieves a 90% accuracy rate in differentiating between two cognitive-behavioral tasks. A truncated weighting algorithm is employed to optimize electrode combinations, enabling effective generalization across subjects. To tackle the practical challenges of emotion recognition in educational settings, the study reduces data sampling points by identifying key brain regions and frequency bands associated with emotions. Machine learning algorithms, including support vector machines (SVM), Bayesian networks, and K-nearest neighbor (KNN), further enhance recognition accuracy. By integrating eye movement and electroencephalography (EEG) signals using deep canonical correlation analysis, the model achieves cumulative accuracy improvements of 15% and 12% compared to unimodal EEG and eye movement data, respectively, across 12 subjects. Incorporating biomechanical principles, the study also examines the mechanical properties of neural tissues and their influence on signal propagation. By analyzing the viscoelastic behavior of brain tissue and its impact on EEG signal transmission, the research provides insights into how mechanical stress and strain affect neural activity. This biomechanical perspective enhances the understanding of individual variability in EEG signals and contributes to the development of more robust and personalized BCI models. The integration of biomechanics with AI-driven emotion classification and attention fatigue detection offers a comprehensive approach to improving student mental health and educational outcomes. This fusion approach demonstrates superior performance in both emotion classification and attention fatigue detection, offering substantial potential for real-time interventions in student mental health and the enhancement of educational outcomes.
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