Sports Performance: Biomechanics And Anatomo-Physiological Insight
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 30 July 2025
Special Issue Editors
Prof. Francesca Latino Website E-Mail:
Guest Editor
Pegaso University, Italy
Interests: Health promotion; physiology; physical exercise; biomechanic
Prof. Domenico Tafuri Website E-Mail:
Guest Editor
University of Naples “Parthenope”, Italy
Interests: Anatomy; physiology; health promotion; biomechanic
Dr. Francesco Tafuri Website E-Mail:
Guest Editor
Niccolò Cusano University, Italy
Interests: Physical activity; exercise physiology; health promotion; biomechanic
Special Issue Information
Competition constitutes an essential characteristic of sport pursuits. Throughout competitive engagements, biomechanical and physiological systems may undergo significant strain, with the specific nature of this stress being contingent upon the sport involved, the strategies employed, and the fitness attributes of the competitors.
Athletic endeavors necessitate varying combinations of strength, speed, endurance, agility, and flexibility. Crucial to the overall effectiveness is the manner in which these factors are synergistically integrated to enhance the requisite skills pertinent to the sport. Therefore, it is imperative that training regimens are meticulously designed to cultivate optimal fitness levels, aligning these with athletic skills to enable the individual or team to fulfill established objectives. This necessitates both a long-term strategy aimed at achieving major seasonal goals and a short-term preparatory phase leading up to imminent competitions. Indeed, the overarching goal of sports training is to enhance both fitness and skill proficiency. The formulation of training programs grounded in robust physiological principles necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the acute metabolic responses elicited by exercise and the manner in which these responses are modulated by successive exposures over time. Establishing a harmonious alignment between training stimuli and the specific demand of the sport presents a considerable challenge. Furthermore, athletic performance is complicated by a multitude of factors, including the temporal stage of the season, the competitive schedule, nutritional status, injury risks, overall health, and team dynamics.
It is critically important to accurately delineate the distinct demands that each sport imposes on participants as well as the requisite fitness attributes essential for achieving high-level success. It is apparent that genetic and structural influences play a significant role in numerous sports. In some disciplines, attaining a high standard of training is indispensable, and inherent predispositions must be cultivated to actualize athletic potential. A systematic analysis of the sport's unique requirements serves as a foundation upon which training programs can be fine-tuned. Examination of the actions, movements, and work intensity of individuals during competitive scenarios provides an initial framework for delineating the demands inherent to the sport. Motion analysis can be employed to illuminate the frequency and intensity of activity cycles during competitions, along with the recovery intervals that typically transpire between bouts of exertion.
Additionally, the types of actions and activities integral to the sport warrant consideration. The specific muscle groups involved in executing sport-specific skills can be identified and subsequently isolated for targeted training exercises. This Special Issue endeavors to address certain existing gaps by offering a comprehensive overview and, where data permit, referencing lesser-known or less frequently studied sports that have been scarcely addressed within Scientific Literature.
sport physiology
physical activity
physical training
human performance
Published Papers