Research, Analysis, or Practical Application for Enhancing Physiological or Physical Performance
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 December 2025
Special Issue Editors
Sukwon Kim Website E-Mail:
Guest Editor
Jeonbuk National University, South Korea
Interests: performance analysis; sports biomechanics; injury
Junsig Wang Website E-Mail:
Guest Editor
Kyung Hee University, South Korea
Interests: clinical biomechanics; sports medicine; gait; infant and elderly
Special Issue Information
Dear colleagues,
Enhancing athletic ability or physical ability has been the long-cherished desire and wish of every man and woman. And, understanding of human neuromusculoskeletal system is essential to developing the motor skills and physical abilities, thus, improving athletic and/or physical performance although in general, people believe that just by participating physical activity, they will improve their physical performance and/or health status. In addition to frequent engagement to sports or physical activity, training crucial and optimal movement patterns and/or applying critical physiological interventions play a significant role in enhancing physical performance to the optimal state and preventing sports and physical activity-related injuries.
Athletic/physical abilities are highly associated with the control and integration of neuromusculoskeletal system of human body. Discovering the optimal movement patterns and physiological interventions will be a critical factor to significantly enhance athletic performance and ability.
This special issue on Research, Analysis, or Practical Application for Enhancing Physiological or Physical Performance focuses on the advanced knowledge of movement patterns or practical implications of physiological or physical interventions for enhancing motor/physical ability. We welcome a diversity of articles, such as conceptual and empirical articles, reviews, critical comments, and meta-analyses, for submission to this Special Issue. We will accept manuscripts from different disciplines, addressing topics related to the scope.
Sukwon Kim
Junsig Wang
Guest Editors
• sports performance
• physical performance
• training
• motor control
• athletes
• recreational
• mechanics
• physiology
• injury
• intervention
• motion analysis
• joint coordination
• muscle synergy
Published Papers
Title:Temporal Analysis of Cellular and Molecular Response-Driven Ground Reaction Forces in Predicting Volleyball Spike Jump Height: Insight for Optimizing Spike Jump Performance