About the Journal
Global Journal of Industrial Management (GJIM) is an international peer-reviewed journal launched in 2025. This journal focuses on the interdisciplinary field of industrial management and aims to publish high-quality research results and advance knowledge in theory and practice. Adopting the open access model, the journal serves as a stable forum for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to disseminate their findings and insights, and provides free accessibility for a wide range of readership.
Focus and Scope:
Global Journal of Industrial Management (GJIM) encourages the exploration of innovative methodologies, case studies, and theoretical advancements that address contemporary challenges in the field. The journal welcomes submissions that reflect interdisciplinary approaches, integrating insights from various domains. Topics of GJIM include, but are not limited to:
- Project Management
- Industrial Automation Management
- Industrial Process Management
- Safety Industry
- Industrial Policy
- Product Design and Manufacturing Management
- Work Design and Measurement Management
- Operations Research and Analysis
- Decision Analysis
- Quality Management
- Ergonomics & Human Factors
- Operations Management
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Sustainable Supply Chain Management
- Systems Design Management
Open Access
Global Journal of Industrial Management
Global Journal of Industrial Management is owned by Sin-Chn Scientific Press Pte. Ltd.