A study of the impact of regional O2O teaching quality on the digital transformation of listed companies
With the acceleration of global digital transformation, listed companies urgently need to adapt to this trend in order to enhance competitiveness and achieve sustainable development. Focusing on the data of listed companies in China over the period from 2010 to 2022, this study examines the role of regional O2O teaching quality in the process of corporate digital transformation and its influence mechanisms. It is found that regional O2O teaching quality has a significant facilitating effect on the digital transformation of listed companies, and this effect is more pronounced in companies with larger financing constraints, larger firm sizes, and less institutional attention. In addition, regional O2O teaching quality further accelerates the digitalization process of enterprises by enhancing the management’s foresight and innovation awareness. High-quality O2O teaching not only enhances employee skills and innovation but also facilitates management's ability to make longer-term planning and decisions in the face of a rapidly changing market environment, laying a solid foundation of talent and technology for an enterprise’s digital transformation. These findings provide new perspectives on how listed companies can utilize regional educational resources to promote digital transformation and provide practical guidance for the development of related digital strategies.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Xuanming Zhang, Lingjie Tian, Zijun Liu, Yuhan Huang, Zifan Gong, Bangjun Wang

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