Fostering a greener workplace: Assessing the impact of green human resource and low carbon behavior

  • Agyemang Kwasi Sampene School of Management, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang 212013, China
  • John Wiredu School of Management, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an 710072, China
Keywords: green human resource management; green organizational commitment; green innovation climate; environmental performance; low carbon behavior
Article ID: 298


Businesses in China are embarking on a transformative agenda, as reflected in their environmental performance, which signals a strategic shift towards fostering sustainability initiatives in the workplace. Accordingly, the research explores how green human resource management, organizational commitment, and green innovation climate drive low-carbon behavior and environmental performance. The research gathered 580 responses from senior staff among Chinese small and medium-sized enterprises. The partial least square structural model was employed to assess the study hypothesis. Key study findings are enumerated: First, green human resource management boosts green organizational commitment, green innovation climate, and low-carbon behavior. Second, the data showed that a green innovation climate and organizational commitment enhance low-carbon behavior. Third, according to the study, low-carbon promotes environmental performance. Fourth, the paper analysis showed that low-carbon mediated the connection between green human resources and low-carbon behavior. Fifth, this research outcome highlighted that environmental knowledge moderates the linkage between low-carbon behavior and environmental performance. This finding enriches the debate on green human resource management and how to promote low-carbon behavior and environmental performance.


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How to Cite
Sampene, A. K., & Wiredu, J. (2024). Fostering a greener workplace: Assessing the impact of green human resource and low carbon behavior. Sustainable Economies, 2(4), 298.