Technologies for sustainable development to face climate crisis
Sustainable economies have demand for natural resources (i.e., ecological footprint) less than nature’s renewable supply of resources (called biocapacity) to support clean production, development and equity in societies. The goal of this study is to identify new technologies that can support energy change from fossil fuels to renewable sources directed at zero-carbon and sustainable economies having lower environmental pollution and higher social well-being. Using data from scientific publications and patents until 2024 and a liner model for regression analyses, empirical results reveal that sustainable technologies having rapid growth and supporting the transformation of the energy sector, economic system and society are blue hydrogen, floating photovoltaic systems, carbon capture storage and utilization, green hydrogen and liquid metal batteries. The implications of findings here for sustainable policies oriented to new technologies are discussed to have, whenever possible, zero-carbon economies directed to long-run sustainable development. The purpose of this study here is basic to support sustainable economies with new technologies that provide the greatest level of general well-being of people with the least amount of resource use and with low environmental harm to support the “one health” of people, animals and natural ecosystems (i.e., optimal health results considering the interaction between population, zoologic, botanic and total environment ecosystems).
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