Determinants of enterprise green innovation performance: Examining the role of environmental orientation, green practices, and organizational commitment
This study examines the links between environmental orientation (EO), green innovation performance (GNP), and green innovation practices (GIP), with technological capabilities (TEC) acting as a moderator. It offers a framework that combines the Resource-Based View (RBV) and the Dynamic Capabilities View (DCV), wherein dynamic capabilities (technological agility) and static resources (organizational commitment, strategic focus) work together to promote sustainable innovation. PLS-SEM, or partial least squares structural equation modeling, was used to analyze data from 535 SMEs in Ghana. The findings indicate that green organizational commitment (GOC) and EO incorporating sustainability into internal operations and culture and external stakeholder collaboration significantly increase GNP. By facilitating the effective deployment of green technologies, TEC strengthens the GOC-GNP relationship. The study emphasizes the difficulties SMEs face in developing nations such as Ghana and suggests solutions according to local limitations (such as a lack of resources or regulatory gaps) and stakeholder requirements. Combining RBV and DCV into a multi-level framework that addresses firm- and industry-level factors (e.g., market demand, regulation) theoretically fills in the gaps in the sustainability literature. It provides managers with practical guidance on how to link TEC, GOC, and EO for eco-competitive results. Validated context-sensitive EO, GOC, and TEC measurement scales provide instruments for cross-regional study and enhance knowledge of green innovation in under-researched areas such as sub-Saharan Africa.
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