
Sustainable Economies (SE) is an international, peer-reviewed, Open Access journal. This journal provides a platform for global scholars to discuss and study the theory of sustainable economy, the important indicators and basic tools of sustainable economy development, and the relationship between population, resources, environment and economy. Combining sociology and ecology, the journal examines social development, social distribution, balance of interests, ecological balance, nature conservation, sustainable use of resources and environment, regional development, productivity layout, optimization of economic structure, and balance of physical supply and demand through both micro and macro perspectives. The journal welcomes submissions from worldwide researchers, and practitioners in the field of economics, which can be original research articles, review articles, editorials, case reports, commentaries, etc.

Published: 2024-04-15

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    Analysis of the importance of business model and business plan in the process of entrepreneurship: Taking college students entrepreneurship as an example

    Shuai Han, Shi Yin, Lirui Liu

    This article explores in-depth entrepreneurship, focusing on business models and business plans. Taking the difficulties and challenges faced by college students as an example, it analyzes the importance of business model innovation to entrepreneurial enterprises and its key role in market competition. The article first summarizes the concept of entrepreneurship and the problems it faces, and then introduces the business model and its application in entrepreneurship, the definition and components of the business plan, and how to make an effective business plan according to market demand, technology trends, and the competitive environment. This paper points out that a successful business model needs to be closely combined with market positioning, product strategy, marketing means, profit model, and other elements, and the formulation of a business plan requires rigorous steps. The study has concluded that the business model is the core of the business plan, and the plan is the specific implementation of the model. The two need to adjust to each other and jointly determine the success of the enterprise. The future development trend of the business model and business plan is the trend of digitalization and intelligence, personalization and customization, flexibility, and adaptability. This paper puts forward suggestions for entrepreneurs represented by college students: an in-depth understanding of market and customer needs, the need to maintain innovative thinking, the feasibility of a socialist plan, etc., thus improving the success rate of entrepreneurship. This paper enriches the relevant theories of entrepreneurship, lays the foundation for in-depth research, and has certain theoretical significance.

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    The coupling and coordination of digital economy and manufacturing transformation and upgrading for industry 5.0 in Hebei Province

    Jianfang Li, Jiachen Wang, Tongtong Sun , Shi Yin

    In the context of the widespread application of digital technologies such as the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence, and cloud computing, digital transformation in the manufacturing sector has become an important engine to promote high-quality economic development in Hebei Province. This paper aims to objectively analyze the current situation of industrial integration between the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei digital economy and the manufacturing industry and conduct level measurement so as to promote the in-depth integration and development of the digital economy and manufacturing industry in Hebei Province, so that the manufacturing enterprises in Hebei Province can rebuild their competitive advantages in future development, finally realize digital transformation, and promote the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry in Hebei Province. Therefore, it is very important to carry out empirical research on the integrated development of the digital economy and manufacturing industry in Hebei Province. First of all, this paper constructs the index evaluation system of the digital economy and manufacturing industry, respectively, takes the relevant data of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in the past five years as data samples, uses the entropy weight-TOPSIS method to measure the level of digital economy development and manufacturing industry transformation, and uses the coupling coordination degree model to measure the level of industrial integration of the two. The final results show that: (1) The development level of the digital economy in Hebei Province fluctuates greatly, and there is still a certain gap with Beijing and Tianjin, but the future development potential of the digital economy is huge. (2) The transformation level of manufacturing industry in Hebei Province shows a trend of fluctuation and rise on the whole, and the development trend is good, and the gap between Hebei Province and developed regions is gradually narrowing. (3) The integration of the digital economy and manufacturing industry in Hebei Province has a good development trend, but there is still a certain gap with Beijing and Tianjin, and there are problems of inadequate, unstable, and unbalanced industrial integration. Finally, based on the research conclusions, suggestions are put forward to promote the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, improve the level of digital economy and manufacturing integration of industrial convergence development, raise the level of digital infrastructure construction, and raise the level of science and technology innovation. This paper reveals the mechanism of the digital economy affecting the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, studies the whole process of digitalization, information technology, and intelligence integration into the development of the manufacturing industry, and fully releases the positive effect of the digital economy driving the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry, which has important theoretical and practical significance for promoting the high-quality development of the manufacturing industry and formulating relevant industrial policies.

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    Time-varying effects of crude oil price fluctuations on tuna fish prices

    Pierre Failler, Yuhang Zheng, Yue Liu, Negar Akbari, Helga Josupeit, Andy Forse, Benjamin Drakeford

    This research presents an investigation of the time-varying effects of crude oil on the price of three tuna species, namely skipjack, albacore, and yellow fin. The investigation analyses the impact coefficient of oil price fluctuation on tuna species over time with specific phases related to time points when crude oil prices fall, including December 2008 (due to the impact of the Financial Crisis), February 2016 (due to the impact of the US shale oil and gas revolution), and April 2020 (due to the impact of the global COVID-19). The analysis shows that the price of yellow fin and skipjack shows sensitivity to these phased oil price shocks but stays consistent after recovery. This research finds that the relationship between oil price and tuna price depends on specific phases of oil price fluctuations and that global crude oil price shocks could have immediate and short-term impacts on fish markets, especially during a period of financial crisis.

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    Innovation and sustainable development among multinational enterprises in Nigeria

    Chinyere Ogo Nwamaka, Anthony Aniagbaoso Igwe, Bishop Ogo Onyekachi, Ekom Etim Akpan

    This study explores the effect of innovation on sustainable development among multinational enterprises (MNEs) operating in Nigeria. Utilizing a cross-sectional survey design, the research investigates how innovation practices within MNEs influence the economic, environmental, and social dimensions of sustainable development in the Nigerian context. Data were collected from workers of five multinational corporations using a structured questionnaire. The study hypotheses were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) via SmartPLS 3.2.9. The findings demonstrate a positive and significant effect of innovation on all three dimensions of sustainable development. This suggests that MNEs fostering innovation contribute meaningfully to achieving broader societal goals beyond economic profit. The study further recommended that MNEs should integrate sustainability metrics into their innovation performance evaluations. Track how their innovations contribute to economic growth, environmental improvements, and social well-being. This will help them identify the most impactful innovations and guide future investments towards projects that generate shared value for their business and society.

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    Innovation and engineering education: New challenges for achieving sustainable development goals

    Valeriya V. Semenova, Vladimir V. Mazur, Ilya S. Koshel, Ekaterina A. Svistunova, Yrii V. Egorov

    This article is an analysis of global trends in the field of socio-economic development, which in modern conditions is determined by innovative technological engineering solutions. Innovation is new knowledge embodied in engineering technologies that can meet the needs of mankind's development. However, changes caused by scientific and technological progress radically change not only human life but also its natural habitat. The effect of the use of a large number of technological solutions for humans is positive (a decrease in the share of heavy manual labor, an increase in life expectancy, etc.), and for the environment, it is negative (depletion of soils, pollution of the atmosphere and water bodies, etc.). The result of technological development, which humanity has today, forces us to revise the fundamental elements of technological development, shifting priorities from increasing the diversity of social consumption to the ecological depletion of the planet, and this, in turn, requires a change in the values of professional engineering thinking, which is formed in the learning process.

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    Beyond gender: The evolving significance of pink in the contemporary marketing

    Rui Ma, Xi Wang

    This study investigates the influence of pink in marketing, focusing on its impact on female consumer behavior, particularly in light of the Barbie movie’s recent popularity. It analyzes the psychological and historical significance of pink, and its economic implications in marketing strategies. This study conducts an in-depth literature review and case study analysis to explore the cultural and psychological significance of the color pink in marketing and its influence on consumer behavior beyond different genders. The originality of this study lies in its multifaceted exploration of the interplay between the color pink and female consumer behavior, particularly through the lens of cinematic imagery. By focusing on the cultural and psychological significance of pink in films and its subsequent impact on fashion trends and marketing strategies, this research uniquely bridges the gap between color symbolism and contemporary consumer behavior.

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    Sustainable development goals through participatory video and digital storytelling

    Zuliyati Rohmah, Vassilios Makrakis, Nelly Kostoulas-Makrakis, Lisna Hidayati , Nanung Agus Fitriyanto, Siti Rokhmah Projosasmito, Bilqis R. Auwibi, Irfan D. Prijambada

    This study focuses on a training experience that took place in the academic year 2021–2022 at Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia. A hands-on workshop on ICTeEfS focusing on Participatory Video (PV) and Digital Storytelling (DST) involved 210 teachers in the creation of videos with a two-fold objective: 1) embedding SDGs in school curricula enabled by PV/DST methodologies and 2) innovating teaching methodologies by merging digital and green skills. The process of creating PV/DST videos included a 15-step methodology integrated into four interacting phases starting from planning, moving to production, and then utilization/dissemination. The PV/DST applications produced could be used as learning resources to enrich the school curricula. Uploading PV/DST to school or social media accounts was a good method to get the message out to a wider audience while empowering teachers to address SDGs. The results can be used as guiding principles for teacher educators and teachers as well as for policymakers to integrate PV/DST in teaching, learning, and curricula addressing SDGs.

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    Analysis of business valuation models with AI emphasis

    Milad Shahvaroughi Farahani

    The main purpose of the paper is to evaluate and compare different business valuation models that incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. The paper seeks to understand the capabilities, advantages, disadvantages, and limitations of these AI-based models in valuing businesses accurately. Additionally, the paper aims to provide insights into how AI can be utilized effectively in the field of business valuation to enhance accuracy and efficiency. We used qualitative research methods which involve reviewing and analyzing existing literature, case studies, and expert opinions on business valuation models and artificial intelligence. The main contribution of the paper is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques into traditional business valuation models. The authors propose using AI algorithms such as machine learning and natural language processing to improve the accuracy and efficiency of valuing businesses. By leveraging AI technology, the paper aims to provide more reliable and data-driven valuations, ultimately enhancing decision-making processes for investors, managers, and other stakeholders. The initial segment of the analysis outlines conventional business valuation approaches, such as discounted cash flow (DCF), comparable company analysis (CCA), and asset-based valuation. These methods utilize historical financial data, market comparisons, and asset valuations to estimate a company’s value. Although they are effective, these traditional models have limitations in terms of capturing intricate market dynamics and accurately forecasting future performance. The following section of the analysis delves into specific AI-driven valuation strategies, such as sentiment analysis, predictive analytics, and algorithmic trading techniques. It also explores how AI technologies, like machine learning algorithms, natural language processing (NLP), and deep learning, are revolutionizing business valuation practices. AI enables the analysis of vast datasets, including unstructured data from platforms like social media, news articles, and industry reports, to extract valuable insights. Machine learning models can detect patterns, correlations, and predictive indicators that traditional models may miss, leading to more accurate and agile valuations. The analysis then addresses the benefits, obstacles, and considerations associated with integrating AI into business valuation. This includes data quality and accessibility, model interpretability and transparency, regulatory compliance, and ethical concerns related to AI bias and fairness. In addition, a comparative evaluation of AI-based models is presented. In conclusion, integrating AI into business valuation models presents significant potential to enhance the accuracy, efficiency, and dependability of valuation assessments. Using AI-driven methodologies, investors and analysts can gain deeper insights into the intrinsic value of businesses, enabling them to make more informed investment decisions in dynamic and competitive markets. However, it is crucial to pay careful attention to data integrity, model transparency, and ethical implications to ensure the responsible and effective use of AI in business valuation. Finally, future directions and recommendations are provided.

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    Nexus between foreign assistance and economic growth in Tanzania

    James Daniel Chindengwike

    The ability of a country to grow economically sustainably depends on its ability to borrow since borrowing is an essential component of resource creation and the foundation of resource generation strategy, particularly in emerging nations. Evaluating the relationship between Tanzania’s economic progress on foreign aid, it was the main goal of the study. Secondary data and a quantitative time series data regression research methodology were used in the study. The fiscal years 1970–2020 were covered by the 51 data observations. The findings indicated that while there is a statistically significant positive relationship between foreign aid and economic growth.

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    Sustainability and health promotion actions in Brazil

    Cicera Simoni da Silva, Jair Paulino de Sales, Estelita Lima Cândido

    This study explores sustainable programs or actions implemented within the work environments of students enrolled in a Postgraduate Program in Health Promotion in Brazil. Seventy participants, primarily healthcare professionals, were tasked with identifying the sustainable actions during the Health Promotion and Sustainability course. Responses were analyzed using the IraMuTeQ V. 0.7 alpha 2 program. Of these participants, 15 individuals did not identify any actions, while 55 highlighted various initiatives. Key strategies included waste management, health education, promotion of physical exercise, optimization of food resources, composting, and conscientious water usage. These actions not only offer potential cost savings but also contribute to a more responsible utilization of natural resources and the attainment of Sustainable Development Goals.

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    Developing new boutique winery businesses—Lessons from the Australian experience

    Paul Dean, Richard Whitfield, Gert Noordzy

    The global wine industry has been growing strongly for many years with entrepreneurs often seeking to establish boutique wineries in new or established wine-producing regions, partly to indulge their passion for wine but also to develop successful, long-term business ventures. Within this context, Australia has successfully grown its wine industry over several decades and is now one of the world’s largest wine exporters. The country is known for its robust mix of large and small wine producers and wine tourism. This paper explores key issues that should be considered by entrepreneurs contemplating new boutique winery ventures to increase their chances of business success. This is done by reviewing the general wine industry in Australia and comparing the situations of five successful smaller wine producers scattered around the country. To carry out the comparisons, the authors reviewed public promotions, customer reviews, and other materials about the case businesses and industry and interviewed proprietors as needed. A representative convenience sample of successful boutique wineries from several major Australian wine regions was chosen for review so that the whole Australian industry was covered. Based on their analysis, the authors firmly believe that boutique winery entrepreneurs must examine all aspects of the business model for their proposed venture and especially their interface with wine tourism to improve their chances for long-term growth and business success. Like most real estate investments, the location of the vineyard is critically important. Then, as well as producing high-quality grapes and wines and developing strong cellar door sales, they should also incorporate food offerings that emphasize pairing their wines with local produce. In addition, they should establish onsite “experience” focused lodging options that showcase local arts and crafts, with “glamping” style accommodations providing a particularly suitable option. These are all matters which should be considered from the very outset when the venture is initially being conceptualized and plans are being formulated for the development of the chosen property. For the sake of clarity, within this study, the term “boutique winery” refers to a wine-making facility with an adjoining vineyard.

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