Diabetes prediction based on an improved whale optimization algorithm and support vector machine
In recent years, the high incidence of diabetes and its complications has posed a significant threat to public health. To enhance the early diagnosis rate, this paper proposes a risk prediction model based on an improved Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). The model first uses a Gaussian kernel function to address the issue of nonlinear data being linearly separable in high-dimensional feature space. Then, it optimizes the Whale Optimization Algorithm by incorporating Tent mapping, opposition-based learning, nonlinear functions, and an adaptive inertia weight strategy. Subsequently, SVM parameters are optimized to determine the optimal penalty factor and kernel function parameters, improving the efficiency of SVM kernel parameter search. Finally, the optimized PAWOA-SVM model is applied to the diabetes dataset of Iraqi Medical Institutions and the Alibaba Cloud Tianchi Precision Medical Contest dataset for diabetes prediction and validation, achieving a prediction accuracy of 93.54%. The prediction results of the PAWOA-SVM model are compared with other commonly used models such as BP neural networks, PSO-SVM, and decision trees, demonstrating the superior predictive performance of the PAWOA-SVM model. Both the model’s recognition accuracy and computational efficiency show considerable improvement. Therefore, this research provides an effective model that can assist doctors in making early judgments about prediabetes, thereby improving the diagnosis rate of prediabetes.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Xinyi Yang, Jingyi Yang, Xiaoyan Liu, Qiang Hu

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